Activity 3: Adjusting the Paws for a Pan Background


In this exercise, you will add a peg movement to the panther, so you must animate the panther walking on one spot first. Because of this, the panther’s paws must slide backwards at the same speed in each frame. This will help when you adjust the peg movement, so the paws don't look like they are sliding in an odd way.

For now, you should adjust the panther’s paws so they move in even increments, and then adjust the speed of the peg to match the speed of the walk later. To make these changes, use some of the following tools and tricks to help you.

Now that your keys are basically set, you may have to make adjustments to the paws as they are planted on the ground. Use the onion skinning and the Show/Hide tools to make sure the paws are evenly spaced.


You can download the provided sample material for this module and use the following templates to use as a reference to compare with your final sketch. Don't forget to unzip (uncompress) the files before placing them in your library.

  • Your panther scene created in the previous exercise
  • MO-EXC-002/02-panther-animation.tpl


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