
The new Colour Space Management in Harmony 20 allows you to apply specific colour spaces the Camera view, separate images and final output. This allows greater colour control over projects and between softwares and displays.

Colour space options available in Harmony 20

Colour Space Description

No Colour Space Management

No colour space conversion will be done in the entire project, even if you set the colour space for your drawing layers or for rendering your scene. This colour space can only be designated in the Scene Settings.
Scene Working Colour Space The same colour space as the one selected in the Colour Space tab of the Scene Settings dialog. This option can only be designated in the Export dialog box and Write node properties.
Undefined Colour Space No colour space is defined for the drawing. The drawing's colours will be interpreted as if they were the same colour space as the one selected in the Colour Space tab of the Scene Settings dialog. This option can only be designated in a drawing's Layer Properties.
Linear The same primaries and white point as sRGB and Rec. 709, but with no gamma transfer curve applied to the colour values. This colour space is useful for compositing intermediary images that are meant to be rendered in sRGB or Rec. 709.
Display P3

Display P3: A colour space commonly used for digital projection. It has the same primaries as DCI-P3, the same white point as sRGB and the same gamma transfer curve as sRGB.

Display P3 Linear: The same as Display P3, except with no gamma transfer curve. This colour space is useful for compositing intermediary images that are meant to be rendered in Display P3.

Rec. 709

Rec. 709: he colour space used for HDTV. It has the same primaries and white point as sRGB, but has a different gamma transfer curve.

Rec. 709 2.4: The same colour space as Rec. 709 or sRGB, except with a gamma transfer curve of 2.4. This colour space exists because some editing systems use a gamma transfer curve of 2.4 instead of the standard gammae curve for Rec. 709.

Rec. 2020

Rec. 2020: A colour space used for Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV). It has a complex gamma transfer curve and primaries that cover more of the human-perceivable colour space than other colour spaces, especially in the area of human-perceivable greens.

Rec. 2020 2.4: The same colour space as Rec. 2020, except with a simple gamma transfer curve of 2.4. This colour space exists because some editing systems use a gamma transfer curve of 2.4 instead of the standard gammar curve for Rec. 2020.

Rec. 2020 Linear: The same colour space as Rec. 2020, except with no gamma transfer curve. This colour space is useful for compositing intermediary images that are meant to be rendered in Rec. 2020.

sRGB A colour space typically used for standard computer monitors. It has the same primaries and white point as Rec. 709, but has a different gamma transfer curve.