
Break down your script into a series of scenes. The action in a panel is usually composed of the action, dialogue, and effects that occur between a camera being turned on until it is turned off. Typically, a scene can be expressed in a single panel, but more elaborate or complex scenes may require multiple panels.

Before beginning your storyboard, analyze your script to see if it's possible to produce a storyboard using the current structure. You will already have an idea of some of the scenes you want to use based on the script, structure, and delivery requirements.

Taking into consideration these factors early on will make this step even easier and more productive. Using the information from your analysis, determine the scenes you will require for the production. At this stage, you may not necessarily have information on every detail of the scene, like the camera angle, composition, lighting or type of scene, but if you have some of this information, you can include it. What is more important is the development of the sequence of the scenes. Create a unique panel or write notes for each scene that you intend to use in your production.

Dividing your script into smaller parts will make the job of determining scenes easier.