Harmony Premium

Rigging 2 with Harmony Premium

This course takes you through the intermediate production rigging concepts with Harmony Premium. You will be introduced to advanced concepts to create efficient and high quality assets.

7 Modules

27 hours 50 mins

Planning the Rig

Learn how to plan the different steps and start setting up the foundations of your rig.

Creating the Artwork

Learn how to trace, paint and separate the different pieces of your character in two separate views.

Setting Up the Core Rig

Learn how to build your pieces in a hierarchy and merge pieces to create seamless joints.

Invert-cutting Drawings

Learn how to create advanced systems using the Cutter and Colour Override nodes.

Using Multiple Layers

In this module you will learn how to use multiple drawing layers or art layers to facilitate drawing substitution while still being able to animate each one individually.


Learn how to make the most of your character by using different types of deformations.

Finishing Touches

Learn how to fine-tune your rig to give your character the edge it needs to be foolproof.

Available in the following Journey(s):

Rigging Artist


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