Activity 1: Sketching a Character


Now you'll start the character design process by sketching a character with a minimal amount of detail. Focus on the body shape only and use basic shapes.

Take a few moments to imagine a character you could draw! Think of its personality, its physical attributes, and even a situation it could be involved in. If you want, take a piece of paper and quickly sketch some ideas. Try to be imaginative!

The next step is to start Toon Boom Harmony Essentials. This is your first exercise using Harmony, so read each step of the exercise carefully!

In your Harmony project, start by drawing the skeleton of your character, keeping its proportions in mind. Once your skeleton is ready, add some flesh around the bones. You're building the basic shape of your character. After that, try to give it a bit of life and imagine it in different situations and draw these poses!


You can download the provided sample material for this module and use the following templates to use as a reference to compare with your final sketch. Don't forget to unzip (uncompress) the files before placing them in your library.

  • MO-DES-001/01-orcus-construction.tpl
  • MO-DES-001/01-bear-skeleton.tpl
  • MO-DES-001/01-bear-construction.tpl


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