
Using the themes introduced to you, storyboard a nursery rhyme using a pencil and paper. Try to apply all the theory you just learned. Include a minimum of four different types of camera shots and one camera move in your project.

This is your very first storyboard, so it's understandable that you will probably make some mistakes. Keep this first storyboard as a reference, so when you start learning more storyboarding concepts, you can see what you did correctly and what you didn't.

This storyboard exercise will get you to start thinking like a storyboard artist. When you have completed this exercise, you will have a better understanding of the process.

Give it your best shot!


  • MO-SBCON-003/storyboard-template.pdf

This exercise will show the strength your storytelling, as well as reveal its weaknesses. Either way, storyboarding is great way to exercise your storytelling skills.