Harmony Essentials
Animation Exercises with Harmony Essentials
This course covers all the essentials animation exercise with Harmony Essentials to get a good grasps on the animation anatomy, basics, and princples
5 Modules
17 hours 40 mins
Walk-Cycle Animation with Harmony Essentials
This course covers all the essential animation concepts, from animation principles to production pipeline with Harmony Essentials.
Four-Legged Walk-Cycle Animation
Learn all about the movement of four-legged animals, then create a four-legged walk cycle animation.
Understanding How Four-legged Animals Move
Anatomy of a Four-legged Walk Cycle
Photo and Video References
Four-legged Walk Basics
Analyzing Four-legged Walk Animations
Rough versus Clean
Activity 1: Observation
Activity 2: Drawing the Key Poses
Activity 3: Adjusting the Paws for a Pan Background
Activity 4: Creating In-betweens
Activity 5: Cleaning and Painting Your Animation
Activity 6: Creating a Background
Activity 7: Setting the Animation on a Peg
Activity 8: Animating a Bear and Dog (Optional)
Jump Animation
This course covers all the essential animation exercises with Harmony Essentials for get a good grasp of animation anatomy, basics, and principles.
Take Animation
This course covers all the essential animation exercises with Harmony Essentials for get a good grasp of animation anatomy, basics, and principles.
Lip-Sync Animation
This course covers all the essential animation exercises with Harmony Essentials for get a good grasp of animation anatomy, basics, and principles.