Activity 4: How Should These Characters Act? (Optional)


Here is a list of characters along with their special attributes. The goal is to pick at least one and act it out. It is important to take all of the attributes into account as it will give your character personality. Do at least one character. For more practice, try all of the characters listed. If you have props to help you act as the character, integrate them into the activity.

Here are some settings, situations, or actions to try out:

  • Act out a take
  • Act out your character walking casually, then seeing something that scares him or her away
  • Act out your character being skeptical about an object
  • Act out a scene where your character starts angry, then because of an event, becomes suddenly sweet and understanding
  • Act out a scene where your character is crying, then sees something that will comfort them


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Time Estimated 5 mins

Difficulty Level Beginner


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