Activity 2: Animating a Rough Walk Cycle


In this activity you will learn how to animation a simple walk-cycle.

First, you need to plan your character’s walk. What is your character’s personality and how will it affect the way they walk and move? For example, a dancer is light in their step and gait. While, a thief is stealthy and may scurry furtively from one place to another. A hunchback lurches to one side and drags one foot or limps dramatically.

This activity focuses on the Xsheet view and its functionality, but everything can be also achieved in the Timeline view if you prefer.


You can download the provided sample material for this module and use the following templates to use as a reference to compare with your final sketch. Don't forget to unzip (uncompress) the files before placing them in your library.

  • MO-EXC-001/01-baby-walk-rough.tpl


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