Blur - Radial Zoom Node


The Blur - Radial Zoom effect creates blurs around a centre point, simulating the look of a zooming or rotating camera. You can use a matte to isolate the area of the image from which you want the effect to radiate from. For example, in the illustration below, a circular matte was created to mask the eyeball and a Negate effect was applied so the blur is outside the matte. Then the centre point was positioned on the character's iris, which is the centre of the matte.

For detailed video tutorials and sample scenes by Adam Phillips, see

Refer to the following example to connect this effect:

Blur Zoom Radial Network

To learn how to use the Blur Zoom Radial effect, see Using the Blur Radial Zoom Effect.


Parameter Description
Name Use this field to rename the node.
Truck Factor

Activated by default, this option readjusts the blur when the elements undergo a change of depth or scale. When this option is deselected, the effect's values remain unchanged regardless of any depth or scale changes. This option should be deselected when multiple drawings are composited and attached to this effect.


2D Path: Lets you move the centre point visually in the Camera view.

Separate: Lets you control the x and y axis by entering values in the fields or by moving the centre point visually in the Camera view.

(x) and (y) Axis When the Separate type of centre is selected, lets you individually set the x and y coordinates for the centre.
Blurriness Amount of blur applied to the layer.

Constant: An equal, constant blur is applied on all pixels.

Linear: A gradual blur is applied on all pixels.

Quadratic: An exponential blur is applied on all pixels.

Direction Lets you select preset blur types or create a custom blur.
Presets A set of preset radial, zoom, and spiral blurs to get you started. You can then adjust the type to customize the blur.
Custom Create your own blur by entering a value for the direction of the blur lines.
Fall Off The distance where the blur fades from the edge of the image. Select a value between 0 and 1. A fall-off rate of 0 causes the blur to fade out slowly, distributing the blur evenly from the edge of the character to the farthest edge of the blur. A fall-off rate of 1 causes the blur to fade out quickly, so the blur is heaviest closer to the edge of the image.
Bidirectional Applies the blur on both sides of the pixel.

Affects the quality of the blur by defining how fine the reference radial grid is on the image. This determines the width of all the wedges. A higher quality yields achieve better results, but will be slower to render.


Blurs the image the number of times the precision indicates at different radius (between 0 and the specified radius).


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