Blur - Variable Node


Use the Blur-Variable effect to create a radial blur that varies within a single image based on the white and black values in the matte you supply. You can set one blur value for the black regions in the matte, and another blur value for the white regions. The blur value for each grey region is interpolated between your black and white blur settings.

The following example is a network for a Variable Blur effect. A black and white copy of the character was used to create the effect. Use the Blur-Variable editor to control the blur value for the white and black radius.

Refer to the following example to connect this effect:


Parameter Description
Name Use this field to rename the node.
Black radius The amount of blur to apply to the black (transparent) values in the matte. Higher values create more blur in the colour image's regions that correspond to the black matte region.
White radius The amount of blur to apply to the white (opaque) values in the matte. Higher values create more blur in the colour image's regions that correspond to the white matte region.
Quality Select High for a slow and accurate operation or Low for a faster operation with a more raw look.
Keep inside source image This option confines the blur to the source image.


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