Harmony Premium

What's New in Harmony 16 Premium

This course takes you through the new features in Harmony 16 Premium. You will be taken throughout various modules, learning about features such as the new rigging tools, Loop Node, the Shake Node and Advanced Onion Skin, and Gif Export.

5 Modules

2 hours 40 mins

What's New in Harmony 16 with Harmony Premium

In the module, you'll learn about the new features in Harmony 16 Premium.

Paperless Improvements with Harmony Advanced and Premium

In this module, you'll learn about the new Frame-by-Frame animation features in Harmony 16. These include the new Shift & Trace tool, the Mirror Tool, Stamp Tool, and the Advanced Onion Skinning.

Cut-Out and Node View Improvements with Harmony Premium

In this module, you'll learn about the new Cut-Out and Node View Improvements in Harmony 16. Specifically, these include Deformation improvements, the new Drawing Substitution View, and the new Node View Organization improvements.

Master Controllers on Rigs

In this module, you will see examples of master controllers applied on 360 rigs. ITs and TDs can take Scripting course to create Master Controllers.

Effects, Rendering and 3D with Harmony Premium

In this module, you'll learn about the newest 3D, Export and Compositing tools in Harmony 16. You'll explore the Shake and Loop Nodes, tiling an image, exporting as a GIF, and rendering a 3D object as a 2D layer.