- Modules
- Advanced Panels and Captions
- About Acts
About Acts
An act is a particular section of the story delimited by a particular event or mood.
For example, a story could be constructed in three acts:
- Act 1: The initial situation, character introduction.
- Act 2: The journey.
- Act 3: The resolution.
Like scenes, panels and sequences, you can manipulate acts when building your storyboard. To add acts to your storyboard, you must first enable the option.
You can:
- Enable acts
- Create an act
- Join acts
Time Estimated 5 mins
Difficulty Level Intermediate
Topics List
- Expanding and Collapsing Captions
- Hiding Captions
- Saving the Caption Layout as Default
- Searching Text in Captions
- Updating Captions from CSV
- Expanding and Collapsing Scenes
- Customizing the Panel Colour
- Regenerating Thumbnails
- Locking and Unlocking Names
- Selecting All Panels
- About Sequences
- Creating Sequences
- Renaming Sequences
- Removing Sequences
- Joining and Splitting Sequences
- Selecting All Panels in a Sequence
- About Acts
- Enabling Acts
- Starting New Acts
- Joining Acts
- Selecting All Panels in an Act
- Creating Sequences and Acts