Inking Lines


The Ink tool lets you paint separate segments of pencil lines.

Although pencil lines can be painted in much the same way as closed zones, you can use the Paint, Repaint, Repaint Brush, and Ink tools to make painting segmented lines easier. Normally when you have a drawing, such as the one below, and you use the Paint tool to paint one of the lines, the entire line is painted.

However, if you select the Ink tool instead and click on the same pencil line, only the segment that you clicked on between two intersections will be painted.

Painting and inking can be used in combination depending on what you need to paint. If you need to ink a character’s outline in black, it might be easier to use the Paint tool. If you need to paint the outline of a character’s neck with a tan colour and its shirt outline blue and both the neck and shirt belong to the same continuous outline, then the Ink tool might prove more useful.


Marie-Eve Chartrand
Christopher Diaz


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