Building a Simple Palette


When you lineart in front of you, it’s easy to just go with it and tell ourselves we will fix it as we go. But the truth is, when you do that, you will tend to not focus on the bigger picture. You might choose colours for your character, then decide to finish all the shading and details before even starting the background. While there might seem no harm in this, you might be setting yourself up for struggles and hardships.

Planning your project should include a “palette building” phase and a “thumbnailing” phase. They each take only a few minutes and are easy to scrap and try again without feeling guilty or overwhelmed. Plus, it’s a fun exercise!

The key to building a palette is to keep it simple. Start with less. See what happens and adjust. It’s easier to harmonize three colours together, thann it is to harmonize 10 or 20.


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