- Modules
- Colour Styling
- Split Complementary Colour Scheme
Split Complementary Colour Scheme
The split complementary colour scheme is a mix between complementary and analogous colours. This allow for both a strong contrast and one very solid colour harmony between the two analogous colours. What is also interesting about split complementary is that it introduces a particular imbalance of colours: the yellow is fighting against two colours, light-blue and purple.
Time Estimated 5 mins
Difficulty Level Beginner
Topics List
- Introduction to Colour Styling
- Design Organization
- Basic Colour Theory
- Colour Anatomy
- Standard Colour Wheel
- Yurmby Colour Wheel
- Colour Schemes
- Monochromatic Colour Scheme
- Complementary Colour Scheme
- Analogous Colour Scheme
- Triadic Colour Scheme
- Split Complementary Colour Scheme
- Tetradic Colour Scheme
- Warm and Cool Colour Scheme
- How Our Brain Understands Colours
- Building a Simple Palette
- Preparing Your Research
- Adding to a Colour Scheme
- Thumbnailing
- Gamut Mapping
- Activity 1: Creating a Colour Palette
- Activity 2: Creating a Five-Colour Palette
- Activity 3: Painting a Colour Model