Preparing Your Research


Sometimes you can draw without thinking much about colour. So it’s always good to sit down and takes notes about what your intentions are, so you're ready for the next step. Don’t hesitate to write down key words that describe the feeling you are looking for.

  • What is the time of day?
  • What is the focus of your project?
  • What kind of lighting would you like for your piece?
  • Maybe your character or characters have specific details that can suggest your colours?

Write all this down and start looking for photos that might inspire your colour schemes. You can also go out and sketch references on the spot or take your own pictures. This kind of research will not only suggest the colours to start with, but might also give you great information about how to render them too! Start a folder (digital or not) of your references. If you are really into details, you might even build a small maquette of your scene (this could be with play dough or with a 3D software) and reproduce the lighting you would like to see how it affects your scene and colours. There is no wrong way to prepare!


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